Technology Grade 2, 22-23 Assignments

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June Typing Test in Google Classroom

June Typing Test

What is your typing speed and accuracy from June's test? Type your results in the private comment section.

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June Typing Test in Google Classroom

June Typing Test

What is your typing speed and accuracy from June's test? Type your results in the private comment section.

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May's Typing Test in Google Classroom

May's Typing Test

What is your typing speed and accuracy from May's test? Type your WPM and accuracy results in the private comment section.

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May's Typing Test in Google Classroom

May's Typing Test

What is your typing speed and accuracy from May's test? Type your WPM and accuracy results in the private comment section.

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May's Typing Test in Google Classroom

May's Typing Test

What is your typing speed and accuracy from May's test? Type your WPM and accuracy results in the private comment section.

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April Typing Test in Google Classroom

April Typing Test

What is your typing speed and accuracy from April's test? Type your results in the private comment section.

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April Typing Test in Google Classroom

April Typing Test

What is your typing speed and accuracy from April's test? Type your results in the private comment section.

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April Typing Test in Google Classroom

April Typing Test

What is your typing speed and accuracy from April's test? Type your results in the private comment section.

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Wrapping Up Lessons (Lesson 16- Lesson 18) in Google Classroom

Wrapping Up Lessons (Lesson 16- Lesson 18)

Complete the 3 Wrapping Up lessons using proper finger positions. Learn how focusing on accuracy can help your keyboarding skills.
Watch this video:
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Home Stretch Lessons (Lesson 13- Lesson 15) in Google Classroom

Home Stretch Lessons (Lesson 13- Lesson 15)

Complete the 3 Home Stretch lessons using proper finger positions. These lessons will teach you how to properly use your fingers to the remaining letter keys and Enter key

The Home Stretch Lessons Include:
13. W, X, and ; Keys
14. Q, Y, and P Keys
15. Z and Enter Keys

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Due:, Lesson 3: Programming with Angry Birds in Google Classroom, Lesson 3: Programming with Angry Birds

Students will develop sequential algorithms to move a bird from one side of a maze to the pig at the other side. To do this they will stack code blocks together in a linear sequence, making them move straight, turn left, or turn right.

Answer one of the journal questions below:
What happens if we give the computer directions in the wrong order?
What was a challenge you faced coding Angry Bird to get to the green pig?


Homework -, Lesson 4: Debugging in Maze in Google Classroom

Homework -, Lesson 4: Debugging in Maze

In this skill-building lesson, students will encounter pre-written code that contains mistakes. They will need to step through the existing code to identify errors.

Due:, Lesson 3: Programming with Angry Birds in Google Classroom, Lesson 3: Programming with Angry Birds

Students will develop sequential algorithms to move a bird from one side of a maze to the pig at the other side. To do this they will stack code blocks together in a linear sequence, making them move straight, turn left, or turn right.

Answer one of the journal questions below:
What happens if we give the computer directions in the wrong order?
What was a challenge you faced coding Angry Bird to get to the green pig?


Homework -, Lesson 4: Debugging in Maze in Google Classroom

Homework -, Lesson 4: Debugging in Maze

In this skill-building lesson, students will encounter pre-written code that contains mistakes. They will need to step through the existing code to identify errors.


March Typing Test in Google Classroom

March Typing Test

What is your typing speed and accuracy from March's test? Type your results in the private comment section.

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Reaching Out Keys (Lesson 7 - Lesson 17) in Google Classroom

Reaching Out Keys (Lesson 7 - Lesson 17)

Complete the 5 Reaching Out lessons using proper finger positions. These lessons will teach you how to properly use your fingers to reach to other row

The Reaching Out Lessons include:

7. T, S, and L Keys
8. O, B, and A Keys
9. V, H, and M Keys
10. Period and Comma
11. Beginner Review 2
12. Personalized Practice
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January Typing Test  in Google Classroom

January Typing Test

1) Log into your using your DOE Google Classroom account.
2) Go to Test (at the top)
3) Take the 1 minute typing test. ONLY TAKE THE TEST ONCE!!!!!!
4) In the Private comment box tell me your speed and accuracy OR screenshot your typing test results. Attach the picture of the screenshot to this assignment.

Due: - Hello World: Emoji in Google Classroom - Hello World: Emoji

Log into your account using the sign in with google option. -

Complete Puzzles 1-10 then on Puzzle 10 create an interactive animation using sprites and events.  Be sure to create new sprites and assign them costumes and locations.

Day 1 Task:  Work on Puzzle 11 - Coding With Emojis
Do the following:  
1. Set your background 
2. Add 2 or more sprites
3. Change the location of your sprite
4. Code each sprite to say something 
5. Code 1 or more sprites to change size or color


December Typing Test  in Google Classroom

December Typing Test

1) Log into your using your DOE Google Classroom account.
2) Go to Test (at the top)
3) Take the 1 minute typing test. ONLY TAKE THE TEST ONCE!!!!!!
4) In the Private comment box tell me your speed and accuracy OR screenshot your typing test results. Attach the picture of the screenshot to this assignment.


Lesson 5 - Beginner Review 1 in Google Classroom

Lesson 5 - Beginner Review 1

Complete the lesson THEN answer the question below:

What is your average typing speed and accuracy? Leave your results in the private comment section.

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Device Free Moments in Google Classroom

Device Free Moments

Complete the attached worksheet or click here -

Create a list of rules to help your family have device-free moments. Remember, the rules aren't just for you, but for everyone you live with. You can write special rules for certain people.
What advice would you give a grown-up to not be distracted by devices? Draw about it.

Explain the advice you would give and why.


Lesson 4 - C, G, N Keys  in Google Classroom

Lesson 4 - C, G, N Keys

Using the finger reach method, use the index and middle finger to type the keys, thumb to type the spacebar and practice proper posture.

To complete Lesson 4 go to

What is your average typing speed and accuracy? 
Leave your results in the private comment section in Google Classroom (Classwork tab).


What's Private in Google Classroom

What's Private

Complete the attached worksheet:
What is an example of something that is OK to share online?
Draw about it. 
Explain why it is important to not share private information online.


Lesson 3, D, E, I Keys in Google Classroom

Lesson 3, D, E, I Keys

Learn how to use the right fingers to type, D, E, I Keys

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Digital Trials in Google Classroom

Digital Trials

Complete the attached worksheet:
Follow the trails of Heart and Arms. Fill in the chart to determine the following:
1. Whose full name do you know?

2. Whose house could you find?

3. Whose birth date do you know?

4. Whose username and password do you know?

5. Who let out a secret on the internet?

6. Whose pet do you know?

Draw a picture of something that is OK to share about yourself on the internet


November Typing Pre Test  in Google Classroom

November Typing Pre Test

1) Log into your using your DOE Google Classroom account.
2) Go to Test (at the top)
3) Take the 1 minute typing test. ONLY TAKE THE TEST ONCE!!!!!!
4) In the Private comment box tell me your speed and accuracy OR screenshot your typing test results. Attach the picture of the screenshot to this assignment.


Lesson 2 - U, R, K Keys  in Google Classroom

Lesson 2 - U, R, K Keys

Complete all typing drills in this lesson. 
Leave your final typing speed and accuracy in the private comment box then press turn in.

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How Technology Make You Feel in Google Classroom

How Technology Make You Feel

In this activity students create an emoji that would best express how technology makes you feel
Go to Flat Icon’s Emoji Maker -
Click on red trash can icon to clear emoji
Using the categories on the bottom create your emoji
Click the Export button in the top right corner
Download PNG


Lesson 1 - J, F, Space in Google Classroom

Lesson 1 - J, F, Space

Log into your account and complete Lesson 1 - J, F, Space
Answer the 2 questions below after you have completed all 11 typing drills.

What was your average words per minute (wpm)?
What was your average accuracy?


Pre-Keyboarding in Google Classroom


Complete the 4 activities below to learn the basics of typing and using a computer.
1 - Introduction to Typing
2 - Using a Mouse or Trackpad
3 - Parts of a Computer
4 - What Makes A Computer Run
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