About Blazer TV
Blazer TV Mission Statement
As we provide P.S. 181 with our morning broadcast program, our goal is to deliver important school news, promote school-wide connection and communication, and empower student leadership through newscasting experience.
We are P.S. 181's #1 morning news program, where it's fire all the time at P.S. 181!
All About Blazer TV
Blazer TV airs every morning at 8:35am EST. Our team of newscasters is comprised of 5th grade students. Blazer TV is facilitated by our Technology teacher, Ms. Gordon and 4th grade teacher Mr. Vialet. Each morning broadcast can be found at our You Tube Channel "Blazer TV". You can support our amazing broadcast by subscribing here -----> https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLATEd-WYaRZ0BdxP0pdfNzXeBp7YxyaWt
Blazer TV Newscasters Wall Of Fame
Behind The Scenes
Our news broadcast is filmed through Zoom with a Logitech webcam and a USB dual microphone. We use a green screen to project virtual backgrounds, including our news studio. The green screen also helps overlay graphics such as names, logos and pictures. Our newscasters read a transcript from a teleprompter that is carefully prepared during pre production. Then, post production is completed through a video editing software called "Adobe Premiere Pro." This is how we add music, sound effects, transitions, and commercials each day. Our station's jingle, "Good Morning Blazers," was recorded through an audio recording program called "Logic Pro 8." The song was written by our Music teacher Ms. Bradshaw and produced by Mrs. Clay, Mrs. Outcault, Mr. Brown and Mr. Ahrens. Collectively, these talented staff members are known as the "School Of Rock Band."
Blazer TV Programming
Mystery Monday - One of our staff members take on the role of newscaster.
Tell It Tuesday - Principal's message brought to you by Dr. Olivo
Wednesday Weather- Newscasters forecast the weather for the upcoming week.
Thursday Show & Tell - Book reviews brought to you by Assistant Principal, Mr. Brown.
Fun Friday - Funny skits, class features and guest cameos.... you never know what to expect!